Here is a good example: I have sort of a hobby with trying to make Oliver laugh. He is soooo almost there. He grins, smiles, does this sorta flirty half smile, and even open mouth grins but just when I think he is about to start guffawing, he stops just short to stare into space. At first I took this personally, thinking it was just because my stand-up was not reaching my audience. So I dumbed it down. Instead of talking about the cluster f*%& that is our "democratic process" that gets tons of laughs normally, I start talking about poop. Well, now CT is laughing, but the baby is nonplussed. So I bring it even further down. My best tricks become saying "Yes! Yeeees!!!" in a really high annoying voice that the baby seems to totally enjoy all the while wiping his baby behind with a warm wipe. This last part is crucial to the all out grin. I mean who WOULDN'T want a warm wipe fresh from the wipe warmer!? I am thinking about getting one installed in my bathroom when we do the remodel. Another trick includes a "goomy" and me "getting it". Not sure what a goomy is or what one would do with a goomy if it was gotten, but I believe it must be located somewhere on a baby's neck as that is where I grab when goomy hunting.
As much energy as I put into making my son laugh and as rewarding as that first giggle will be, it will also be so sad. That first laugh will be the last first laugh. What if the video camera isn't on!? OR horrors of horrors, what if I am not around when this happens!? (Who am I kidding, I am the funniest person I know, of course he will laugh at me and no one else. ) So with every onesie that I put away for his younger sibling, every time I have to put his diaper on a little looser, and for every time I have to readjust his carseat for his growing self, more than anything I want to just squeeze him tight, put a brick on his head and beg him not to grow up.
This is an old video of Oliver waking up. He doesn't do the grunty thing anymore...this video also features my left boob.
Oh, I know! It just seems like yesterday I was "getting your goomy"! And, yes, the goomy normally resides in the neck area.
The only consolation I can offer is that at every stage, you'll find yourself thinking, "This is my favorite time, I wish he could stay this age forever." Repeat often. I am crying!
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