Monday, March 3, 2008

Goodbye Dairy, My Old Friend

A baby changes everything. I thought I knew what this meant. No more late nights closing down pubs with your friends (I actual ly shut a bar down once on $1 margarita night--they ran out). No more spur of the moment movie nights with the hubby. No more feeling sexy or even halfway human. These things I understood, these things I wasn't afraid of because to tell you the truth, we were a bit boring as it was, preferring to stay home as opposed to being out all night painting the town red.

What I wasn't prepared for is the loss of my first love. Something so important to me that is no longer a part of my life. I am, of course, talking about queso. Well, not just queso, that would be silly! Ice cream, milk, yogurt, and all types of cheeses. Don't roll your eyes at me young lady! This also means that I can't have (but not limited to) the following items: lasagna, pizza, most mexican foods, also most pastas, and anything else that tastes delicious.

How can something so good be so bad you ask? My perfect baby boy seems to have a very big digestion problem when it comes to dairy products. Six hours after I eat or drink anything that comes from a cow tit Oliver goes Linda Blair on my ass and ruins outfits by the dozen. Poor little guy, he can not yet fathom the glory of a jalepeno popper, the simple pleasure of cookies and milk, or yes, even a dollop of Daisy.

The things we do for love...


Liz said...
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Liz said... will loose all the weight you want. I when without milk products for almost ONE year when Michael was born and I was thinner than I had been in a decade! Maybe I should do that again...huhhh????

Unknown said...

Poor little guy?
He's enjoying the most perfect food there is for a baby! Anywhere and anytime he wants!

Unknown said...

I must admit, when I saw the title, I had a mini-panic attack. I thought it read Goodbye Diary. I love this blog!

Diana said...

I can't believe you have time to keep up with your blog. I'm very impressed. Go girl! Don't worry about dairy products - they are over rated (of course, I can still have them!) He won't nurse forever and you can party with cheese when the day comes - you'll need the comfort food when you are forced to realize nursing was the best bonding in the world!

Suna Kendall said...

In good news (I say, posting to stale blog entries), lots of times these early dairy issues can fade away. Declan, whom you know as an amusing teen, screeched his head off for four months until I brilliantly quit the dairy and he turned into a human. I wish I had figured it out more quickly. And gee, I was a volunteer lactation helper and still I didn't figure it out.