Sorry folks for taking so long to write about my first Farm trip. As most of you already know, The Boob found it necessary to take me to some bright room that smelled like that stuff they put on my lifeline to make it fall off. Sigh, I still miss that thing. Anyway, I guess I was bad that day cause just when The Boob was really making me smile with some great funny faces, a woman, nay a She Devil came and stabbed me twice in both legs with poison darts. WHY!!! I say they were poison because even after the pain left, I felt yucky. I didn't feel like writing that is for sure.
Anyway, we went to the farm. Great ride there, bumpy, just the way I like it, had a great nap. I woke up once to find that I was no longer moving. I quickly explained to them why that was not okay with me and we started moving again. To think that that they were trying to eat during MY naptime. The nerve. Once there, I noticed, there isn't a whole lot of inside out there. Thank goodness The Boob and that Tall Guy brought my throne so I could quietly vibrate and look out over all my subjects.
It got a little annoying a few times. Yes Boob, I get it, Cows go Moo, why do you think they call them Moo Cows!? I was never left alone though and my trusty pup was at my feet at a second when I called. I have noticed that people really enjoy my company and that all I have to do is squirm a little to get about 6 feet taller. Nice.
It was also a bit confusing. There were several Boobs there, and they were all holding me. I figured, one is just as good as the other and the bigger the better right!? Apparently, not so. Color me embarrassed. I must figure out a way to label all of these Boobs and Tall Guys as to not get them confused with my Boob and Tall Guy. I tell you what though, that country air does a body good...I have never slept so good in my life.
I have learned the following things about the country.
1. It makes Tall Guy With Beard go crazy and roll on the ground. Apparently it was part of a "game". (See Picture)
2. Not sure what The Boob ate on Saturday night but it made my dinner taste like chicken...turkey? Anyway it was good.
3. Something about the country makes Tall Guys build fires.
4. Cows go Moo...jeez enough all ready with that.
5. The tiny jets that zoom through the air are bad...avoid them.
6. Lots of spinny sky things I love so much, who thought of those things, they are brilliant!!
1 comment:
Oliver, I love when you write! You are brilliant!
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