So, apparently, babies need a bedtime? I just figured they sleep when they need to just like they know when they need to eat. And in the case of my son, any sleep is good sleep. Does he need to be on a schedule already? Isn't there going to be time for that when bedtime is wedged between soccer, latin, cooking classes and ballroom dancing? Afterall we want him to be a well rounded American citizen and in this country only losers and foreigners sleep, the rest of us consider it to be a sign of weakness like binge drinking or biting your nails only more harmful and much more disgusting. Is the outcry for scheduling a baby so that they will get used to this go go go lifestyle early? Or is it a way that parents can have the evenings to themselves for "Grown-up Naughty Hour"?
I feel this overwhelming pressure to chart feedings, poops and naps just so that in case anyone asks, I can feel like a competent parent. In reality I am a big ole hippie who keeps the baby in bed with me, feeds on demand and refuses to count diapers unless I am doing so while admiring my stash. The idea of weaning and introducing solids terrifies me as I am sure I will be getting even more feed back from the Baby Nazis about those subjects. "Your baby is how old and you are still breastfeeding?" "Jarred baby food is easier!" "Homemade babyfood is best!" "How come YOUR baby can't SIGN for what he wants to eat?"
Thats another thing, whatever happened to letting the baby scream until you guess correctly as to what the child needs? Now we actually have to communicate with them and know immediately!? Where is the fun in that!? As cute as it is to watch a one year old sign for milk, it is a bit disconcerting that the sign for milk is that of milking a cow. I think I want to invent my own signs. Oh, what him? No, sorry, he wasn't being rude, that is his sign for 'Please Change Me'. No no, he doesn't need a Kleenex, he is signing 'Mother, do we have some cheerios for snack time?' Oh the fun we will have with strangers and certain fingers.
Is it weird that I want to post a video of Ollie sleeping?