Yesterday was another red letter day! As the baby was starting to smell like old cheese, I decided it was time for a bath. CT made me wait for him since "I didn't know how to do it." Apparently watching a nurse for 5 minutes made him some kind of an expert. Of course, Oliver hated every minute of it, well except the hair rinsing, he loved that (as seen in photo). I can't imagine that a bath in a sink in the middle of winter can be all that comfortable. We were almost done with the bath when the cat decided to come see what was going on and the baby decided to play water guns with the cat. Thats right, our baby peed on our cat. Definitely something I will be bringing up to his prom date.
Also in the news yesterday, the baby blues are upon us. Yesterday I fought with CT about...soup. Thats right, he didn't want to eat the chicken soup I was eating which obviously could only mean one thing. He didn't love me any more. I am convinced that our kid is deaf because no one but him could sleep through my screaming and banging around about why CT is avoiding me. Hint: Avoiding me is what I was calling him doing laundry and cleaning instead of hanging out with me doing nothing. Sigh, why does anyone put up with my particular brand of crazy!?
Today is the day of the follow up test, very nervous! His eye whites seem whiter, not so yellow stained so it gives me hope. Then, he is going to his very first family dinner at my mama and gramp's house! They call him 'The Great' since he is the great-grandson, which I love.
In other news, a friend of mine just got some horrible news. They just found out that her brother's baby (19 weeks along in pregnancy) has no upper brain. This means that the heart beats but if born, the baby will die within minutes of birth. They have decided to carry through with the pregnancy for those short minutes. I can not imagine going through all those 9 months for a small chance of holding your baby (who would be deaf and blind) for a few minutes for it to die in your arms. I can not imagine having to make that kind of decision, and while I couldn't wait for the baby to come out, I can imagine she will treasure every moment of her pregnancy, those aches would be a blessing. I look at my perfect baby boy and I am so grateful for every minute he cries because I know he is breathing, every moment my breasts ache because it means he is eating. It puts all of my aches and pains in perspective, my heart goes out to them.
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