Warning: This blog contains the words boob, breast, nipple and sex. If these topics make you uncomfortable please spare yourself some red cheeks and pass by this blog. This goes double for you Grandpa!!
So the nurses at the lab know Oliver by name now. Still can't put the baby in the sun as it has not been out since the child was in utero. The nurses said that they are having TONS of jaundiced babies because of the weather so that makes me feel better. The doctor called last night at 10:30pm to tell me to use formula through the night and pump instead of breastfeeding. Easier said than done as we had no bottles or formula in the house. Then, we were to come into the lab and get a FOURTH blood test. I know one thing after last night, formula feeding SUCKS. However, last night we had a breakthrough. It was the roughest night yet, but luckily it was a blessing in disguise.
My baby will not sleep without the boob, that became obvious quickly. So for the night and after much crying (baby and mommy both) we compromised. We fed him an ounce of formula (WHAT A PAIN!) and then I nursed him on my 'good' side for about 5 minutes so he could sleep. My right side was leaking so much that Ollie couldn't latch correctly and was hurting me so much it ended up bleeding and I couldn't get it dry enough to heal. After feeding him the formula and nursing him to sleep, I pumped both breasts to relieve the pressure. In doing this throughout the night I figured out something...I was engorged which is why I was spraying everywhere and he couldn't latch. DUR why didn't I think of that!?
So now, no leaking (whereas I was filling a pad in about an hour before) my bleeding has stopped and the crack is healing due to breast milk (which can actually heal cuts!) and lanolin. So there we be, now all we need is that silly billiblanket to heal his jaundice and we will be in business. The doctor is ordering it today if his numbers don't go down.
Let me tell you, the night was AWFUL. To have the person you love most in the world crying because you won't give him the thing he needs the most, it will break your heart. If there was any doubt in my mind about breastfeeding it was dispelled with last night. I don't know how women think formula is easier...my boob doesn't need cleaning or mixing or warming up (except before sex but that is totally another blog.)
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