Life with a newborn is the most fun being bored that you can have. Its not like they can run, jump or even talk yet, but still CT and I remain fascinated. His ears are cute (he as a darling mole on his left one) his fingers are cute, even his extremely loud farts are cute. Well, more hilarious than cute. He makes all of these faces that we create dialog to along with, sometimes with an English accent because babies with accents are better than plain old American babies. Sometimes we just stare at him for an hour. I am still amazed that I MADE him. I couldn't even refinish that rocking chair we finally had to give away on craigslist. Also, thank god for digital cameras because we would be part owners in Kodak by now. I can't wait until I can sit down some of my childless friends and bore them to tears with picture after picture of us trying to catch Oliver having his "gas smiles".
The dog and Oliver get along swimmingly. If anything, she loves him a bit too much. I think that she believes he is her puppy whom she has the sole responsibility of cleaning. On the downside, the baby sometimes gets a sloppy dog kiss up the side of the head when we aren't looking. On the upside, we always know when he needs to be changed cause the dog won't leave him alone. I can't wait until Ollie is old enough to run around with Dante. Every boy needs a dog and every dog needs a boy I say!
Today the sun came out for the first time since the baby was born. We immediately stripped the baby down to his skivvies and plunked him down in a sunbeam. The problem became keeping him in ever changing sunbeams. We have moved the cradle three times so far just to keep him in prime jaundice killing sunshine. CT suggested us hooking up a sled to the cat who can ALWAYS find the best sun and having her pull Ollie around the house from sunspot to sunspot. We just couldn't find a tiny sled so that idea was right out.
Our child is the most intelligent baby. He flipped over on his back during tummy time today. I guess if you hate something enough you figure out a way! He also scoots to be nearer to us when we put him on his tummy. Crawling at 7 days, is anyone surprised?!
Today is Auntie Britt's and Uncle Ryan's birthdays! It is hard to only be able to be around one side of Ollie's family, I wish we had everyone within a few miles of us. Luckily, CT's family will be visiting often. HAHA they are addicted to the bebe!!
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