Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Culinary Delights

Everything is tasty as a baby. I have a theory that there is no bad or good taste when you are 9 months old, there is only "new". Now, I am not a normal first time mom. If it isn't sharp, metal, or poison, my bet is it won't kill him if he ingests it. However, because of choking fears, I am constantly fishing things out of this kid's mouth. My baby has become a connoisseur of such delicacies as tissue paper, carpet bits, a license plate, and a surfer. Oh wait, sorry, those last two were found in the belly of the shark from Jaws. Those of you who have small children, I bet you didn't even notice.

I believe he eats the non-food products mostly for texture but the kid is not afraid of new and exciting food flavors. He has eaten spaghetti and veggie marinara sauce, well, not so much eaten as much as wore. He stole a triscuit from a toddler at our playgroup, garlic flavored no less! And yesterday he had Hummus for the first time. He LOVED it! Though, I am not sure if his tastes are to be trusted as he also loved the dog food he ate last night. Yes, this is true. My baby's first meat, after trying to delay his carnivorous ways until after a year, was chicken and beef byproduct in cheap dog food. I am really such an awesome parent.

At least he is getting his fiber...(table in photo has seen three generations of babies through teething).


Unknown said...

You ARE an awesome parent! And I love the photo of Oliver gnawing on the coffee table! It's my new background.

Jess and Jason said...

YES!!! My dreams are coming true! I was there for the "Great Spaghetti Incident" and I personally took the photo of Ollie's fiber-filled table intake. Finally, I have infiltrated the circle of trust!!