Odd thing this having children. One minute they are laying on the rug, cooing at the ceiling fan and the next, they are writing their own blog about taking care of their decrepit parents. In a span of just a week or so, Oliver has gone from having two teeth, being seen and not heard, and being somewhat immobile to cutting his THIRD tooth, saying mama and trying to pull up on everything.
On Teeth: It is so painful looking and a bit gross. Sorta like Alien where the the alien is about to burst through the guy's stomach? You can see the huge white tooth under the gums trying to push it's way out. And those teething necklaces everyone raves about? They drive him CRAZY. He is actually more fussy and a bit angry when I put it on him and he cheers up right after I take it off of him. I guess it must be a sensory thing. The tooth doesn't seem to bother him too much, he sleeps more and eats more, but not too bad!! I am a bit worried that he will now have "pinchers" (the tooth coming in is the top left one). There is something about that third tooth that makes me sad. The first two came in so fast it was a surprise so I didn't have time to feel. This one is lurking under the surface as if to say, he isn't your baby anymore, he is growing up!! This makes me so sad!
On Talking: All of a sudden on Monday, after weeks of saying mama mama mama to him repeatedly my little boy said "Mama". Well, he actually said MAMAMAMAMAMAMA. And it wasn't to me, it was to his exersaucer but I still feel that we are making good progress here. He air chews now, which I think is due to his teeth growing, it is so cute. I can't wait until he gets that I am mama, not the dog. He is also growling, so we are taking advantage and asking "what does a lion say?" That way at least he is right. Along with talking, we are trying to teach him sign language, but we will save that for another blog.
On Toddling: He is a crawler for sure. Forward motion and if he has motivation, he is pretty fast. However, he is now pulling up on everything too. He may be ready for standing, but gravity is not. Note to self: get bandaids. I was doing the dishes yesterday (first mistake) and he was playing quietly on the floor (I thought) when all of a sudden I turn around and he has pulled up on the dishwasher door and was standing hunched over!!! HOLY MOLEY!!! So dangerous! Doesn't he know that corners are NOT our friend?
I am going to go see if I can buy out a foam rubber factory now. Every surface must be covered. This house is going to look like a mental institution. I mean, more than it already did what with the crazies running around here.
I met a baby last night who had just learned to walk. Sure enough, his punkin' head was covered with bruises from falling down. Seems normal. My red-headed one proceeded to fall face-first on the driveway shortly after learning to walk. So, he was Scab Face for quite some time.
And may I say, your little fellow is quite the charmer.
The daycare fee isnt a problem if we are both working. Thanks for the offer though. Basically, if we both work then we live a pretty sweet life with luxuries. But if only one of us works and stays home, then we go into debt....not an option. Who knows, maybe in the future one of our jobs will change and we can take her out of daycare. by the way, I cant believe Oliver said Ma Ma!
Wow, he has changed soooo much! He doesn't even sound like the same little man! I miss y'all!
Haha I like that you're taking advantage of saying "What does the lion say?" It made me laugh a bit.
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