We have had some good times you and I. We have been through two different continents, five countries, one failed marriage and countless sleepless nights together. I promised I would never throw you away and never share you. You have cooled my cheek when I raged with fever, and helped me sleep when I was less than comfortable. When others laughed at a college student who still slept with their security pillow, I laughed at THEM because they didn't have one. And hey, at least it isn't a Barbie head. True story - a friend of mine has a barbie head she holds when she sleeps.
Well, it is time I passed you on to someone else now. There is someone who needs you more than I do. I was lucky and had a wonderful woman who was an amazing sewer make you for me. But since she is gone now, my baby deserves to have a part of her close to him when he sleeps. Take care of him like you have taken care of me through thick and thin. Comfort him when he cries and cool his cheek so he can sleep. Thanks for the memories!
Oh who am I kidding? I need that pillow more than him! He is just a baby! He doesn't have the stresses I do! Plus, it isn't like he NEEDS the pillow, he has his paci, his mommy, his daddy, I don't want to spoil him afterall. That kid takes everything from me, I will be darned if he gets this from me too!! HEY! BABY! Get the heck off my pillow!!
Well, you had me sobbing again! At least I wasn't trying to read it out loud like "Ode to Daddy"!
Then, as I read to the end with tears still rolling, you had me doubled over in laughter!
It was the best of blogs, it was the worst of blogs.
googd bless you.
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