My son is irrefutably brilliant. He likes to stand more than lay around like other, slacker, babies. He enjoys great programming such as Star Trek and The Daily Show while Baby Einstein makes him cry. He has named all of his mobile animals and carries on baby conversations with them and best of all...he blogs. Can YOUR baby blog??? I. Rest. My. Case.
Now, this may not be advanced of him, but he did something so wonderful, so spectacular, so awe inspiring, that I was struck mute. Just kidding, that will never happen. Nonetheless, it was fantastic. The story goes a bit like this: The child hated tummy time. Couldn't figure it out until I read something somewhere (like how I trusted a source I didn't take the time to remember?) that babies feel more comfortable moving around on their tummies when they are naked. So I said, what the hey, naked time is good for both rashes and the soul! The first time we tried it, he was able to push himself up and play like that for 15 minutes. I threw in baby massage to keep it interesting. The second time - can we roll the clip? I do want to warn you that the images of baby bits in this video may be NSFW. Oh apparently my video was deemed obscene by photobucket. They have been deleted.
Not sure if this is advanced or normal timing, but with a butt like that...who cares!
1 comment:
Oh, My Goodness!!!
Put that child down on the floor!
He's gonna fall and bump his chin!
Okay, now that I've done my grandmotherly duty of chastising my child...
I'll be emailing that picture all over the country bragging that MY grandbaby can stand at 3 months! Not to mention the rolling over!!!
Unbelievably brilliant!
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