A beautiful thing has happened at our house. It is called peace, and it is made by Fisher-Price. While at a friend's house, who have a new baby two months younger than Oliver, we put him in their baby's swing just to see what would happen. And you know what happened? Quiet happened. Happy happened. Oh what joy, what bliss!
This is not the swing I was raised with. No crank on this baby! No, this swing comes with more gadgets than my car. It has five music settings: sleep, play, rainfalling and forest noises. It has six speed settings and two different ways of swinging - back and forth and side to side. It has several recline settings, and a mobile that moves in a circle and opens and closes. It is like a baby wonderland in that thing. With help from "Mommy's Little Helper" I was able to eat - wait for it - while. the. baby. was. awake. I bet soon, I will be able to cook dinner too!!
Don't worry, all you nay-sayers without newborns, he isn't in it 24-7. I restrict access to the swing because I am afraid of addiction. Me, not him. Now the schedule in the house looks like this:
8 or 9am: Wakeup, feed, change
9-10: Play/tummy time
10 - 11: Swingtime/coffee and breakfast for mommy
11am: Change, Feed to sleep
11 - 12pm: NAPTIME (the swing makes this transition SO much easier since he is already relaxed!!)
12pm: Feed and Change - This is when he normally has his poo explosion
12-2pm: Out and about time - any errands happen now but we have a two store maximum. Oliver will start throwing poop at people if we are out any longer than that.
2pm-4pm: Change, Swing, Feed, NAPTIME
4-6pm: Play, snuggle, etc.
6pm -On: Who cares! Daddy is home and I am off the clock!!!
I find it necessary at this time to say that this is a baby imposed and not mommy imposed schedule. Some days are like this, some days I want to rip my hair out because the baby decides he needs LESS sleep than I do. Humph.
Run - do not walk - to the nearest computer, wait, you're already there...
Anyhoo, contact Fisher-Price!
You just did a commercial for them! They should pay you grandly!
Swings are wonderful! My favorite!
The Swing
by Robert Louis Stevenson
How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!
Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--
Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!
We had a swing. Not your fancy, probably needs a remote to make it work, sort of swing, but a swing nevertheless. It absolutely was a saving grace and a wonderful Mommy helper. Congratulations!
Looks like he may be a lefty!
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