Friday, June 27, 2008

Tooth Fairy, you're on notice

As you can't see here, Oliver has cut a tooth. Two really. He refuses however, to show me OR the camera. His new favorite chew toy? His bottom lip. Poor kid, doesn't have that much lip to spare! And no, thank you for asking, he hasn't bitten me yet. To figure out why babies biting their moms isn't all that common, next time you stick a straw in your box of wine, try biting down on the straw. Yep, pretty hard to get that buzz you crave so much isn't it? Babies are smart! I am not saying it doesn't happen, but it happens less often than one would imagine. Especially if that 'one' is all hopped up on boxed wine. You know who you are...

Not everything is bad photo shoots and raw bite marks though, with this new development comes new skills! Such as: shrieking at the top of his lungs, pooping with the vigor of a prune farmer, and saving us money by watering our plants...with drool. He has been experimenting with the upper registers of his voice, so if you see me in public and I don't turn around at first, I am not ignoring you, I just can't hear you.

Oh and one more thing...with teeth, we decided to let him try something new at Blues on the Green this week:


Unknown said...

Watermelon!??!! with SEEDS!!!???!!!
What were you thinking? Oh, now I get the connection - the straw in the "box O wine".
...and I had to read about it, you couldn't just tell me?

Ah well, your first finger food was the lime from my margarita!

Jess and Jason said...

I don't mind saying that I am an EXCELLENT photographer...I can be hired for a nominal fee for all of life's big events. Birthdays, Barmitzvahs, First Pickle...