Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Do NOT Eat Mangoes Naked!

Last night, Oliver got a horrible diaper rash, the first of his little life. We quickly did an inventory of everything he had eaten the past week. Peanuts? No, he had those on Saturday. MSG in Chinese Food on Sunday? No, he has had chinese food before! Mango this morning? Hmmmmm....Off to Google!!!

While we are waiting for the search results, let me give you some background. If you know me, you know I am very very allergic to Poison Ivy/Oak. I mean, I can't even go downtown Austin in the summer/fall without getting a horrible rash because it is in the air. All this spring, I have had poison ivy rashes on and off. I could not figure out how I was getting into the stuff! Even after days when I wouldn't go outside I would break out! This is due to a an extreme allergy I brought on myself when I decided to rub poison oak leaves on my face to get a little attention from my parents. If by attention, you mean a shot of cortizone in my ass and a near hospitalization, I got my wish.

Okay, back to Google, ah yes, here it is!
"Mango allergy problems are caused by a reaction to Urushiol. This substance is found in the sap of mangos. It causes a severe rash, just the same as poison ivy. This is because poison ivy also contains urushiol."

EXCUSE ME!?!? How did no one tell me this!!! I have been peeling and eating mangoes (and feeding them to Oliver - which explains his diaper rash as well) ALL SPRING because they have been on sale. There should be a freaking warning label!!! So there it is folks. I am allergic to one of my favorite fruits. I can still have the fruit part, but someone has to put them in the sack at the grocery store, and peel them for me.


Mommyof1 said...

UGH! To be allergic to mangoes...how horrid! Did you think about buying the organic frozen bags of mango? I buy them that way at Trader Joe's (also Dominicks). They're already peeling and cut for you. SO much easier than handling/preparing the actual thing.

Chad said...

Likely story. Oh! Please PLEASE peel me a mango! No, really! I'm "allergic" to doing it myself. ;)

Britt said...

You are still paying for that little self rub down incident. :)