It was a good trip though, full of lobster, homemade turkeys and snot. Lots and lots of snot. We saw a really fun children's museum, a real life fish monger and the inside of at least two Rite Aids. Side note: You know you are stopped up when you can't even smell the inside of a fish shop. Unfortunately we were a real thorn in the side of the friends we went to see. They have a four month old and were so afraid of her getting sick, they kept reminding us that they cloroxed everything as soon as we left. That was a bit embarrassing, and poor Oliver just wanted to be held and played with, but they were too afraid of getting our creeping crud. Not that I blame them, we looked like we had SARS. I couldn't talk for an entire day. AWESOME.
The people of Portland, Maine will never be the same. They will be sicker for one.
Good thing you are breastfeeding to keep that illness away and all (insert eyeroll here)
You are so right! It could have been so much worse!! He could have had ear infections and been a terror on the plane had I been formula feeding! Luckily that mama milk really made him feel better fast!
I think it's time someone got a life & stopped stalking you.
hmmmm me thinks someone is a little (or alot) jealous of you.
RIGHT ON for mumma's milk :)
Sorry to hear your trip wasn't the best, glad you're all better now & that the plane trip wasn't the shocker you thought it could be.
Oh yeah I'm sure he would've been better off without the immune support from your milk (insert eyeroll here)
Yeah, I think I would take my chances with breastmilk helping my kid versus melamine and bacteria contaminated formula....unless there is something we don't maybe melamine and bacteria are GOOD for combating croup. SNORT.
It sounds to me as if you have a lot of jealousy or guilt, hmmmm. Get a life! For whatever reason, you don't like people who give their babies breastmilk instead of poisonous formula tainted with dangerous chemicals. Maybe you should go drink some formula - all those chemicals might cure you of your stupidity. (insert eyeroll here)
on plane YIKES you are brave ... Caelin has strep throat ... Tierney has croup and a double ear infection ... so you know what time it was ? Time for my mom to take one of my kids before I end up at the
local mental ward ... although I here they have good food :)!
I have been up for 3 days ..... !
glad you had a nice holiday !
hmmmmmm did you hear they are finding traces of plastics in formula...... wow that's yummy huh ;)
who is this hmmm person ???
hmmmmmm......Shouldn't you be doing something like...oh, I don't know...maybe...BEING A PARENT!! Radical idea, I know. Maybe if you spent more time making better parenting choices and less time being a troll you wouldn't feel so guilty about said parenting decisions. Boy..I bet you are teaching your children some GREAT life lessons. Lucky them. Grow up.
Good for you Alyssa for keeping up breastfeeding. Sorry you've been so sick. We've missed you around TWW. Feel better.
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