So, I strapped on my Target blinders (if I don't I go in for one thing and end up buying $200 worth of stuff I don't need) and went in to see what I could find. Success!! Finger paints, construction paper and the piece de resestance: a handprint frame. As I checked out, I felt this sense of pride! I am a fun, creative and nurturing mama, my kids won't watch TV, they will do art projects and play outside!! My daydreams of genius offspring were interrupted by an overenthusiastic Target employee complimenting every single thing I bought (do they train them to do that?!) and I quickly rushed out to avoid starting a meaningful relationship with Alex, the Checkout Guy.
By the time I got home, I knew from the escalating whines that we had about 10 minutes of good quality time before Nap Time. Have you ever tried to get a 7 month old to do Arts and Crafts right before Nap Time? It is a bit like trying to force a square peg into a round hole, but the square peg has teeth and a really loud voice, and the round hole is a highchair. In the end, we had a blast. All I can say is thank goodness fingerpaints are non-toxic because he really enjoyed putting the paint in his mouth.
Well, it's official, I miss y'all (especially the little man). Love you!
What a cutiie! I always put the girls in the tub to finger paint. That way they can crawl around and get really messy. They really enjoy it!
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