Monday, May 19, 2008

Breastfeeding 101

Oliver is four months old! I wonder if I squeeze him tight enough, he will stop growing and stay tiny forever. In the past four months, I have been asked time and time again the same basic questions about breastfeeding. Sometimes several times by the same people. So, I thought maybe I should post my answers here as people believe print more than words sometimes. I will include research links to back up my answers.

Q: Why aren't you giving him water?
A: Babies do not need water, as breastmilk is 88% water. Even in the hottest, driest climates babies get all the water they need from breastmilk. When they are Oliver's age, babies will fill up on water and will not want to nurse. As water has no calories or nutritional value, it is akin to giving them air instead of food. This causes problems as you can imagine.

Q: Can I give him just one bite of french fry, ice cream, meat and potato, etc?
A: NO! Oliver is only 4 months old. The American Academy of Pediatrics (along with World Health Organization, UNICEF, etc) doesn't recommend starting solids (and yes, cereal is a solid) until at least 6 months. Some babies aren't ready until 9 months. The longer you delay solids, the less likely the baby is to have allergies, get sick, become obese, and prevents future siblings. So please, unless Oliver meets all the following items, do not feed him solids.
  • Baby can sit up well without support.
  • Baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically push solids out of his mouth with his tongue.
  • Baby is ready and willing to chew.
  • Baby is developing a “pincer” grasp, where he picks up food or other objects between thumb and forefinger. Using the fingers and scraping the food into the palm of the hand (palmar grasp) does not substitute for pincer grasp development.
  • Baby is eager to participate in mealtime and may try to grab food and put it in his mouth.
Q: How long do you plan on breastfeeding? (usually said with a sour look)
A: As long as I can. I used to think that once they can ask for it by name, they need to wean. Think of your favorite food. I bet you ask for it by name, does this mean you should no longer have it? Many women wean as soon as the baby comprehends what he is getting, how sad is this! The baby is just starting to realize how much he loves breastfeeding and then it gets jerked away! I will stop BFing when the baby is no longer interested. If this means 2 years, don't look at me like I am molesting my child. It makes me want to cry just thinking about weaning, come to think of it, probably makes HIM cry too.

Q: Don't you need to pump and dump if you have that glass of wine?
A: A glass of wine or A beer is not that big of a deal. I usually have maybe 1-2 drinks a week, and I wait until after the baby has eaten to have one giving the minute amount of alcohol to leave my system before he wants to eat again. Or I give him a bottle with expressed milk. The rule of thumb is "safe to drive, safe to feed". I do appreciate your concern though!

Sorry this isn't a cute, funny blog. I am getting really tired of hearing people talk about breastfeeding as if it were a drain on me and something to get over fast. I know you all want to feed Oliver, and after all solids are fun! However, I want to do the best for my child so please trust that I am doing just that by giving him food GOD made for him. He has years and years and years to spend away from me, so let him be completely dependent on me for just a little while please.


Alice said...

You go girl!

Suna Kendall said...

THANK YOU for this. I hear the new mothers/pregnant person at work whining about "having" to breastfeed for a year. Well, they think I don't like them for their parenting and breastfeeding practices, which isn't true. But, it's nice to read things that jive more with my personal beliefs.

Liz said...

Your cousin Michael didn't have any solids until he was over 6 months old and you see how puny he is....NOT!
You are feeding the best thing to Oliver that money can buy! Staying home and raising your son is the most important thing you can be doing at this time of your life, I am proud of you!

megansackal said...

This is why I love you Alyssa! I couldn't have said it any better. Now it will be my turn next to get people to stop hounding me about the EXACT same issues! How long do I plan on breastfeeding is the number one question I get only because she's nowhere near solids. When I say however long it takes, I get the same sour look. Oh well, only we know what is best for OUR children and I'm glad you can say it outright.


Unknown said...

That's my girl!
Hey Megan, and all you new mommies, print out this blog, have it laminated and hand it to whoever questions you from now on.
Keep in mind, though that some of these people asking questions are just curious. It could be an opportunity to win over a new breast feeding mom, or an encouraging relative.
I'm proud of you! And I love that 'Sir' so much!!!