Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rear-facing til Two!

This is some serious, serious stuff people. Please keep your babies rear-facing as long as you can. It is a matter of life and death. I don't care if they cry, I don't care if they scream, it is your job to keep them safe no matter what. This isn't a suggestion, this isn't a matter of one philosophy being equal to another like stroller v. baby wearing. This is a scientifically proven way to keep your child from dying in a car accident. Rear-facing children are FIVE TIMES more likely to survive a crash.

The AAP has changed their recommendation of rear-facing from 1 year and 20 pounds, to at LEAST 2 years old. The best is to rear-face until your child out-grows the rear-facing limits of your carseat, around 35-40lbs depending on the carseat.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I could show that video to my BFF a million times and she wouldn't care. Ugh, annoying.