I couldn't possibly catch you up on all of the stuff that the kids have been doing lately, but the biggest news is that Henley is walking(ish) now. She still prefers to crawl, well, actually she prefers to sit in the middle of the floor screaming shrilly until I pick her up, but if I am pooping or otherwise disposed she will crawl. She only walks if both her hands are busy with something else, usually an Iphone.
Oliver tries my patience every. single. day. I am trying to be more understanding and more consistent, but he is going through the threes and that just isn't a whole lot of fun for anyone. He is doing great at school, his teachers and classmates love him - when he isn't pulling their hair - and he is being promoted to Pre-K next fall! I am so amazed at his humor and manners with strangers, he is a joy to experience and I am lucky I get to spend every day with him. As I say this he is mercifully with his father because while most times he is a joy, the hours after his nap to when he closes his eyes are nothing short of pure hellish torture. And as anyone can tell you, I think torture is wrong.
I am working on expanding my repitoire of cool stuff for kids to do when I don't want to deal with them, and in that line, I am starting to make sensory boxes for the two kids. Something I don't have to put together but once and then they are ready to go whenever Henley or Oliver are antsy. The biggest problem is that set up takes so long as does clean up, that they are bored by the time I sit down to let them work on the craft or whatever. It becomes increasingly easy to just plunk them in front of the TV instead.
We just got back from a trip to Portland, OR to see some of my favorite people on the planet; my sister, brother in law, his sister and their dog Brew. We had a blast, and I will post pictures as soon as I find both cameras and have a second to download all of them.
I am in school this summer in a Child Development class, still online. I have three more classes after this to finish my pre-requisites for the IBCLC exam. I am currently making an A (just got a 96 on my first test!!).
I guess what I am saying is, I am back to the blogging world. I am not able to get online as much as I would like, so the support group of Facebook and my parenting website isn't the huge presence it was at one time of my life, and I can't take the rejection and guilt when I post something minor about my kid because it is concerning or confusing me, but no one responds because I haven't been able to post a sad face or "virtual hugs" about their situation. It feels like I have lost all my friends, all at once. Of course, this isn't really true, but I miss them anyway!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Life With The Tummy Yucks
After driving for three hours from Dallas this weekend, (had a blasty blast while there though!!) the baby started puking and didn't stop until nothing was coming out. Good news, she slept through the night - bad news, it was because she hadn't the energy to wake up. The rest of our night and much of today has been spent with her either sleeping or throwing up, us changing Oliver's pants because he keeps having "poop accidents" and lots and lots of laundry. And yet, I still found my inner domestic goddess in time to make homemade four cheese panchetta macaroni and cheese and a nutritious dinner - heck, I may even make cookies because that is what I do when my kids are sick, I make yummy things they can't eat. HAHA! More for me suckahs! Not really, its just my way of overcompensating for letting them get sick in the first place, cause you know, us moms are supposed to be able to control things like germs.
Since the later part of this weekend has sorta been a bust, and I am so not wanting to fold the twenty plus loads of laundry that are lurking in my hallway and since I am also delaying picking up the house so that my cleaning ladies can do a thurough cleaning tomorrow, wondering how I am going to find time to study and take my test this week, worrying about our road trip on Thursday and I am also kicking myself for not telling CT to pick up a bottle of wine while he was out today (I am so awesome I even multitask procrastination!) I thought I would list all the things I AM grateful for as a bit of a pick me up.
1. I am not Charlie Sheen
2. Neither is CT
3. CT is actually really enjoying reading "Room" with me and asked that I wait to listen to the rest for our road trip
4. My new dog is very sweet and loves my kiddos
5. That macaroni and cheese was Paula Dean worthy
6. I own my own washer and dryer
7. My sister is coming to visit for my brother/daughter's birthdays in a week!!!!
8. In a few short days I will have been married for 6 years
9. The "Music is Awesome" Yo Gabba Gabba CD is available for me to check out from the library just in time for our road trip
10. Road trip to Alabama happening in mere days!!
11. I am so spoiled I whine about things like cleaning ladies
12. All my books I had ordered from Paperback swap came in today
Since the later part of this weekend has sorta been a bust, and I am so not wanting to fold the twenty plus loads of laundry that are lurking in my hallway and since I am also delaying picking up the house so that my cleaning ladies can do a thurough cleaning tomorrow, wondering how I am going to find time to study and take my test this week, worrying about our road trip on Thursday and I am also kicking myself for not telling CT to pick up a bottle of wine while he was out today (I am so awesome I even multitask procrastination!) I thought I would list all the things I AM grateful for as a bit of a pick me up.
1. I am not Charlie Sheen
2. Neither is CT
3. CT is actually really enjoying reading "Room" with me and asked that I wait to listen to the rest for our road trip
4. My new dog is very sweet and loves my kiddos
5. That macaroni and cheese was Paula Dean worthy
6. I own my own washer and dryer
7. My sister is coming to visit for my brother/daughter's birthdays in a week!!!!
8. In a few short days I will have been married for 6 years
9. The "Music is Awesome" Yo Gabba Gabba CD is available for me to check out from the library just in time for our road trip
10. Road trip to Alabama happening in mere days!!
11. I am so spoiled I whine about things like cleaning ladies
12. All my books I had ordered from Paperback swap came in today
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ramona is My Best
Me: I think we are gonna go to the bounce-
Oliver: BOUNCY CASTLE!!!!!!!
Me: Dang.
Oliver: When we going??
Me: Tomorrow.
Oliver: Who else is coming?
Me: Carolyn and Cora
Oliver: Maybe 'Mona?
Me: Maybe, but I don't think so.
Oliver: Maybe Caden?
Me: No, not Caden.
Oliver: But maybe 'Mona! Mona is my best.
Me: She's your best friend?
Oliver: Yes.
Me: Why?
Oliver: Cause I like her.
Me: Why do you like her?
Oliver: Because I wuz (love) her.
Me: Why do you love her?
Oliver: Because she give me hugs and kisses. Only 'Mona, cause she my best.
Ah young love!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Back To School Again...and again...and again
How anyone with children is able to work from home is beyond me, because I can barely even read a page without interruption. During a 30 minute video I had to pause it 10 times. These are the things that happened:
Henley fell off the bed
Henley got shoulder deep in a toilet
Oliver's show skipped
Oliver wanted a snack
Henley stole Oliver's snack
Oliver wanted another snack
I forgot my phone in my car
I wanted water
Henley fell off the bed again (she knows how to go up the steps to get to the bed, but doesn't realize that the bed has no lip on it.)
The laundry needs to be changed out
So, therefore, a 30 minute episode took me an hour and a half to watch. Yea, I should be totally prepared for that test I am taking tonight.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The Sickies
Oliver, Henley and myself have been sick with what I can only assume will be the thing that will kill the entire population of Austin. Pneumonia, snot coming out of every orifice and a general malaise. I don't really want to talk about how crappy we all feel, so instead I will just post a video and hope it suffices.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Texas Tornado and a Winter Wonderland
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Ode to My Daughter
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Christmas Revisited
My family is insane when it comes to gifts
and while they were showered with toys, books and clothes, these were the two favorites:
Oliver really "got" the whole Christmas thing this year, which was awesome to see. I made sure we emphisized giving as well as receiving, but that may take a few years to totally grasp. Another tradition that we started this year was "Boxing Day" which in our house is the day that you give all your old stuff (toys and clothes) away to make room for the new. Oliver was hesitant at first, but he doesn't really even notice the things are gone now and he was happy some other kids got to benefit from the toys he and his sister don't play with anymore.
So, though it be about a month late, MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Gosslings!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
On the day you were born

Three years ago today, I was holding and nursing my newborn son for the first time. Actually, at presicely this moment I may have been wolfing down a hamburger and trying not to let my overanxious father see my hootenany being stitched up while he tried get a first glance at the baby... but nevertheless, this day will forever mark the day I became a mom. I didn't become a good mom, or a hot mom, or a perfect mom (that came later) but I became Oliver's mom, and that is all I had to be.
Today, on our way to school, I told Oliver the story of his birth. This is a tradition I hope to carry on with both of my kids every year on the day of their birth. This is how it went.
Me: Three years ago, on the day before you were born, you stopped moving around in my tummy so I went to the hospital to see if you were okay. The nurse said you were fine and that I could go home. I was glad you were okay, but I was sad that you weren't ready to come meet me yet. So Grandmommy...
Oliver: I like Grandmommy.
Me: Yea, me too
Oliver: She is nice.
Me: Yep! Can I continue?
Oliver: Yea
Me: Grandmommy and Granddad took daddy and I out for Mexican food...
Oliver: What Mehitan dood is?
Me: Its like tacos
Oliver: Oh.
Me: I was sad so they took me out for tacos and we went home still waiting for you to come. Daddy and I watched some TV and I took a bath because I was feeling uncomfortable because you were so big in my tummy. Then, we tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, and then, around 2am, I heard a big POP!
Oliver: Pop!
Me: Yea, like that! And I rushed to the bathroom and my water broke. You see, the baby lives in a bag of water that keeps him safe while he grows in the mommy's tummy, and when the baby gets big enough the bag breaks to let the baby out.
Oliver: Why the baby come out?
Me: He just gets too big to stay in any longer.
Oliver: Yay! Tell me dat story again!
Me: It isn't over yet.
Oliver: Oh.
Me: So when my water broke...
Oliver: With THAT baby (points to Henley)
Me: Yes my water broke with Henley too, remember?
Oliver: Yes!
Me: You kicked me in the tummy and my water broke right?
Oliver: (Laughs) yes.
Me: So when my water broke with you, I knew you were going to be here soon and so I told Daddy, "my water broke" and daddy was so fast getting ready, he was dressed in 20 seconds I think.
Oliver: WOA that fast!
Me: Yes, so we got into the car and went to the hospital where you were going to be born! But we stopped because daddy was having a tummy ache from the Mexican food.
Oliver: Tacos.
Me: Right! We got to the hospital and I told them I wanted to walk around to get you out, I wasn't ready to rest yet! The contractions hurt, but not too bad.
Oliver: What a taction?
Me: It is the word for what happens to a mommy's body when the baby tries to come out.
Oliver: Why the baby come out?
Me: Remember, you got too big to stay in any longer and you wanted to meet all of your family! So we went to the hospital and everyone who loved you was there. Big mama, Grandmommy, grandpa, Aunt Liz and Aunt Britty. They all wanted to be the first to love on you! After a long time, I was in a lot of pain and even though I wanted you to have the best start at life, I got some medication to make the pain go away at the last minute. I pushed and pushed and slowly slowly you came out and I was so happy and I held you and kissed you and you were so yucky and covered in goo. I nursed you for the first time and you loved to nurse, remember?
Oliver: I like boods!
Me: No kidding. Anyway, that was the way you were born, and you made me a mommy!
Oliver: Do we have raisins?
So for all of you fans of Oliver out there, here he is, retro style!

6 months

1 year old!

18 months old!

2 years old!

2 and a half (notice the scowl)

Halloween, nearly 3!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Being Present
Not so long ago, I was an addict. I ignored my kids, neglected my household duties, even forwent food and drink for this terrible drug of choice. It was, of course, my addiction to my computer. It didn't take an intervention to break me of this habit. In a moment of clarity and possibly frustration, while I was trying to type with one hand while entertaining a squirming baby with the other, bouncing her on my knee while trying to balance the laptop and all the while my son is sitting like a potato on the couch having his mind eaten away by cartoons, it hit me, this computer was taking over my life and my kids' lives. And then the computer hit the wall. Hard. It felt really really good.
I look back and realize how much it was my fault that my son didn't talk until he was two. How many moments I probably missed because I thought my opinion was so important to women I have never met and hardly knew. How many opportunities to teach my children that passed while I was busy trying to make my life seem funny and light, on a blog that only served to feed my own ego. I think about all this wasted time, all the snuggles that went unrequited, all the bonding time with my husband I took for granted, all the snubbing of affection I did because I had to get one more thought out. I think about all of these missed life memories and I want to scream.
I finally decided that I would rather be out making more memories with my kids rather than writing down all of the memories we did make. I don't want to fit my kids in when I have time, they deserve better than that! I want to be present for them, in the moment when they are showing me a new dance move or are THIS CLOSE to letting go of the table and walking into my arms. I want to play half games of Candyland until the cows come home and teach every single one of Oliver's dolls to use the potty. I want my daughter to know that she is worth me taking the time to teach her how to be a woman, I want my son to know that he is worth listening to.
So I am sorry, blog fans, if the posts are less and less. I am going to seriously try to post videos and pictures, but if I fall short of your expectations, find comfort in the fact that I am finally rising up to the expectations of my children.
Monday, January 10, 2011
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