...going to be a big brother!! I know I said I would wait to tell people, but I am looking at it this way, I need all the prayers, good thoughts and positive vibes I can get. If something goes wrong, I will need people to love me and get me through it again, and when it goes right, I am going to need people around me rejoicing.
I am only a month along, I got my positive test at only 9 days after ovulation, which is insanely early. I have my first ultrasound and appointment on the 11th of August at 8:30am after we get back from Colorado. I have decided to get an ultrasound through my OB/GYN before picking a midwife for the rest of the pregnancy and the birth. I still want a home birth, I still want a medication free, intervention free birth and I still want the gender to be a surprise.
I am exhausted, hungry constantly and nursing Oliver is quickly becoming very painful. However, I am continuing to nurse him until he decides he no longer wants to, I can't see weaning him and because there is no threat to the pregnancy (had nothing to do with the last miscarriage) I will continue. I have to believe that this pregnancy will be successful and come the end of March, I will have a tiny baby in my arms.
I am asking you, my friends and family to only have positive and encouraging things to say about this pregnancy and the new baby. Please do not say anything negative to me, or anyone else about it, I need nothing but happy and positive feelings around this child. If you believe it is too soon, or bad timing, or whatever, please, keep it to yourself. Love this child from the beginning so that he/she will want to stay.
I will leave you with these pictures of Oliver, he is so cute how could I NOT have more babies?
Congratulations. My mom (Soly) sent me this link from your mom :)
Hey Neta!! Hope you are doing well!!
Yea pregnancy! I'm so, so, so happy for you and can't wait to meet my next new baby niece or nephew! :)
Hooray! Congrats! Happy thoughts to you from New Hampshire!
I'm great, and I really enjoy your blog. You really crack me up.
I was just lurking and had to say Congrats!! Oliver is beautiful and I'm sure this baby will be to.
New entry please!!!!!
new entry please???
new entry please?
new entry please??
sorry about the repeating...oy...
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