58 days is not enough time. When I think it could be less (Oliver was born at 39 weeks) it sends me into a panicked frenzy. This frenzy usually culminates in me doing the following things.
1. Making crock pot meals for an entire week.
2. Asking CT when the bathroom tile is going to be done, or even started.
3. Start researching diaper bags and double strollers before realizing we have no money for either and giving up again.
So here we are, knock knock knocking at 32 weeks pregnant! My sciatica is once again under control and not causing me to sob uncontrollably in front of my son (seriously, if I had the option two weeks ago, I would have scheduled CT's vasectomy) and with the exception of getting next to no sleep at night, things are looking up! The morning sickness has been replaced with the acute feeling that this baby is trying to crawl its way out of my body through the sun roof and the disconcerting thought that it must be part puma with claws like that.
I have plenty to keep me busy until my final days as a single child mom. Bradley classes (which are going awesome except for the fact my teacher is a kook) every Wednesday until March, trying to finish up my Leader App for La Leche League by the time the baby comes earthside, planning Jessalyn's wedding shower (oh and also what in the world I am going to say during the ceremony when I marry them), I have my own "Belly Blessing" the last weekend of February, followed by a get away to the family farm in March that still needs to planned. Maternity pictures, home renovations, cooking enough for me not to have to worry, playdates, etc. etc. etc. I am a busy woman, no wonder the second pregnancy goes by so fast!
So, obviously, I can't do it all. This baby is just gonna have to wait until May. Yes, May seems like a good time to do this whole labor/delivery thing. Does anyone know if I file my extension with the IRS or is that a whole other department??